Friday 8 January 2010

Ist day of ICT elective

Today was a really good introduction to the elective. i am really looking forward to learning how to do digital movie making as i feel that this would be a really useful skill to use when teaching.
Today we looked at delicious again. We had previously looked at it before in ICT and created accounts. To be honest i have not really used it as it was put to the back of my mind during placement. i feel that there may be potential to use this within a school setting but as to how i am not completely sure at this point in the elective. When i learn more about how to utilise this tool i'm sure i will be able to come up with ideas on how to use it within the classroom.
We also looked at wallwisher and i instantly took a liking to it. It was bright and colourful and loved the fact that you could "post a sticky". I feel that children would love to use this and it would be great for a collaborative tool.
ICT has a bright looking future and it is only going to improve from here on out. I think that it is going to be utalised more and more within classrooms because of its potential motivation skills and accessibilty to all.
Still needing to look at wallwisher in a google search but i will post my findings when i have the time.
Looking forward to doing more of this elective and all the fun it's going to bring.


  1. Glad you enjoyed first day and are looking forward to learning more. A good reflective start to blogging. Tip of the week - if you mention an application can you hyperlink to the application for other readers to find?

  2. This is a good reflection of the first day and it is clar to see that you are looking for advantages and disadvantages of different applications. I agree with Sharon about using a hyperlink so that other people can find it. :)
