Monday 18 January 2010

day one of digital movie making

Loving digital movie making already. This is a fantasic tool to use within the primary classroom. It could be used to present new information to the children or used as a form of assessment to see what they have learned from a topic. I feel that it is a very versatile tool to have and i am sure i will be using it when i have my very own class. I can see that within a classroom it may be hard to let all the children make movies at exactly the same time as lack of equiptment may lead to possible problems and conflicts. It is something that has to be rotated between pupils to maximise its potential.
Our digital movie will be on basic first aid instructions for children and what they should do in situations with burns, cuts and grazes, asthma and how to correctly call 999. We have the basic ideas in place and have to begin filming next week. I can't wait for my time on camera...not! I'm not embarrassed its just i don't take good pictures lol.
I feel that this assignment that we have been given is a great one and i am genuinely looking forward to being taught more about digital movie making and can't wait to start the filming next monday. I'm ready for my close

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to see how enthusiastic you are about digital movie making. Apart from the costs can you foresee any other difficulties in having a class of 33 primary 6 pupils on digital movie makiing at the same time? If so how could you overcome these difficulties?
