Monday 25 January 2010

Introduction to iphones and lifecasting

In today's lecture we were introduced to the iphone and 4 people were allowed to take one away to use for a week. I was one of these lucky people, but more about that later.
In our groups we were shown an application for the iphone called Lifecasting which can be downloaded at the app store. We were shown how to use this software and shown ideas of how to use within the primary classroom, we also introduced to the idea that these could be used within a nursery setting. Within the primary classroom there are many uses for this software. We were shown how to utalise this tool when children are making projects or collaborative work. The children are able to take pictures of the project in its various stages and not just the finished product. Lifecasting then allows for the children to record audio for each picture. The end product is then a slide show with the children talking about/ explaining the process of their work. I think this is a fantastic idea because it is a great visual way to present not only the product but the process. This can then be shared with others in the school or with parents to show what the children have been doing. It gives children ownership over their work and is a great way to record for assessment.
I was suprised to find that this could be used within the nursery as i was unsure of how it could be used. I was pleased to find that it was a great way to show what a child had been doing and learning that day. The child was then able to record audio and explain the pictures that had been taken. Instead of the nursery teacher or early years officer writing down what the child had done that day it makes it more personal and child centred.
As mentioned earlier I was one of the lucky people who recieved an iphone for the week. I was very excited as i am extremely keen to learn all about the educational potential that this piece of technology has. After looking at Lifecasting in the lecture I wanted to find out what other educational tools could be found. I am going to enjoy my time exploring this piece of technology.

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