Thursday 28 January 2010

The iPad Vs the iPhone

Just been having a discussion on the iPad. We have had a look at the advantages of using this new piece of technology within an educational setting. There are many advantages but there are also disadvantages to using this within a classroom.

  • the screen size is a lot larger than that of the iphone making it easier for children to view.
  • the images within the iPad are very symbolic which will make it easier for younger children to use. This is potentially easier than using computers or laptops with them as they do not have to spend ages looking for the right application or programme.
  • It is a good size to use at desks within the classroom as it should not completely take up all the desk space.
  • There is access to wi-fi internet and 3G Internet.
  • It comes with built in speakers and microphone meaning that these do not have to be externally attached.
  • Word processing is available.
  • Through the iBooks application children are able to view books and store them without the need for storage space within the classroom.
  • The iPad is relatively thin so it is not too bulky to holding or storing.


  • At the moment the iPad is quite expensive and most schools would not be able to afford any or many.
  • It is very similar to a laptop which prompts the question why bother?
  • There is only 10 hours of battery life which means that it would need to be recharged everyday if it was being used in the classroom. This leads to the idea of where do you charge all the iPads at the same time as this would take up rather a lot of sockets within the classroom.
  • There is no camera and if one was needed or wanted to be used, it would have to be connected externally.
  • Its does not have flash and this means that vokis and other applications would not be able to be used.
  • There is an additional expense for the keyboard attachment and if the children were using the word processing the iPad would need to be laid flat. This would strain the eyes and the neck and is not good for the health of the children that would be using it.

At the moment I am swayed more towards the iPhone as i really like how it is hand held and easy to store within a pocket or a bag. It is a lot more transportable and would be good for use outside the classroom e.g. on a school trip. The iPad has a few more good applications but i'm sure that these will become available for the iPhone in the future. I feel that when I am more familiar with the iPad and have maybe had a chance to explore its potential for myself, it may change my opinion. So far i am in favour of the iPhone.

Learning how to blog properly and apples new software.... the iPad

Apple has introduced their latest piece of software... the iPad. I'm on the fence about this latest release. It seems a good idea but it looks too bulky and takes away from the idea of handheld learning that we have been looking at within our lectures. If we want technology to be any place, any time, anywhere, then why do we need it to be so big! It would be hard to transport easily and personally I think it would take up too much valuable space. I think i would need to find out more about the applications and the potential that it has within an educational setting. I would also need to have a little play with it to really make up my mind lol.

I have finally learned how to blog properly.. well almost. Still need a lot of practice as I am rather new to this. Learned how to add links to webpages into the blog, this will help to make it more interesting for others to use. We were also looking at how to add in videos to help make what we have been talking about within our blogs more interactive and be able to be explored. I now know how to put the embedded code into the blog to show the related video to the point i had been making. Blogs are supposed to be interesting and visually appealing. I am glad i have learned how to do this as I thought my blogs have looked a little bit boring and i would not have even looked at it if I was someone else. I need to explore more of the settings and options available to me and not be scared about breaking the page or deleting all my information. Hopefully I can now make my blog more visually appealing and more inviting for people to come and read.
Piratepad was being used within the lecture today but we found out that the maximum limit of people is 16 and i could not enter the pad to contribute to the group discussion. There is also a version of the software called Primarypad. The main section of the pad would be good for using for brainstorming at the beginning of a lesson or a new class project. It seems to be a good tool for collaborative purposes and can be kept as a permanent record of work which can be used for assessment purposes.
Will post a new comment on the educational values of blogging.

Monday 25 January 2010

Filiming our first aid advice videa

We have almost finished our filming for our digital movie making assignment (I forgot the bandages so we couldn't completely film the bleeding scene...whoops). We did the filming of the scenes on an iphone. It was fun to make the film even though i could not participate fully as i had hurt my back. It did not take as long as we had anticipated even though we did quite a bit of filming and some had to be shot more than once due to laughter. We didn't really have scripts as such but we had researched our scene information and made sure that we had our notes and first aid books to hand.
I am looking forward to shooting the final piece of the bleeding scene and editing the footage to get a great end product.

Introduction to iphones and lifecasting

In today's lecture we were introduced to the iphone and 4 people were allowed to take one away to use for a week. I was one of these lucky people, but more about that later.
In our groups we were shown an application for the iphone called Lifecasting which can be downloaded at the app store. We were shown how to use this software and shown ideas of how to use within the primary classroom, we also introduced to the idea that these could be used within a nursery setting. Within the primary classroom there are many uses for this software. We were shown how to utalise this tool when children are making projects or collaborative work. The children are able to take pictures of the project in its various stages and not just the finished product. Lifecasting then allows for the children to record audio for each picture. The end product is then a slide show with the children talking about/ explaining the process of their work. I think this is a fantastic idea because it is a great visual way to present not only the product but the process. This can then be shared with others in the school or with parents to show what the children have been doing. It gives children ownership over their work and is a great way to record for assessment.
I was suprised to find that this could be used within the nursery as i was unsure of how it could be used. I was pleased to find that it was a great way to show what a child had been doing and learning that day. The child was then able to record audio and explain the pictures that had been taken. Instead of the nursery teacher or early years officer writing down what the child had done that day it makes it more personal and child centred.
As mentioned earlier I was one of the lucky people who recieved an iphone for the week. I was very excited as i am extremely keen to learn all about the educational potential that this piece of technology has. After looking at Lifecasting in the lecture I wanted to find out what other educational tools could be found. I am going to enjoy my time exploring this piece of technology.

Monday 18 January 2010

day one of digital movie making

Loving digital movie making already. This is a fantasic tool to use within the primary classroom. It could be used to present new information to the children or used as a form of assessment to see what they have learned from a topic. I feel that it is a very versatile tool to have and i am sure i will be using it when i have my very own class. I can see that within a classroom it may be hard to let all the children make movies at exactly the same time as lack of equiptment may lead to possible problems and conflicts. It is something that has to be rotated between pupils to maximise its potential.
Our digital movie will be on basic first aid instructions for children and what they should do in situations with burns, cuts and grazes, asthma and how to correctly call 999. We have the basic ideas in place and have to begin filming next week. I can't wait for my time on camera...not! I'm not embarrassed its just i don't take good pictures lol.
I feel that this assignment that we have been given is a great one and i am genuinely looking forward to being taught more about digital movie making and can't wait to start the filming next monday. I'm ready for my close

Friday 8 January 2010

Ist day of ICT elective

Today was a really good introduction to the elective. i am really looking forward to learning how to do digital movie making as i feel that this would be a really useful skill to use when teaching.
Today we looked at delicious again. We had previously looked at it before in ICT and created accounts. To be honest i have not really used it as it was put to the back of my mind during placement. i feel that there may be potential to use this within a school setting but as to how i am not completely sure at this point in the elective. When i learn more about how to utilise this tool i'm sure i will be able to come up with ideas on how to use it within the classroom.
We also looked at wallwisher and i instantly took a liking to it. It was bright and colourful and loved the fact that you could "post a sticky". I feel that children would love to use this and it would be great for a collaborative tool.
ICT has a bright looking future and it is only going to improve from here on out. I think that it is going to be utalised more and more within classrooms because of its potential motivation skills and accessibilty to all.
Still needing to look at wallwisher in a google search but i will post my findings when i have the time.
Looking forward to doing more of this elective and all the fun it's going to bring.